
Human Resource Management


2 intakes of the year
January & September

Study Method

Online Course
Flexible Time & Place

Mode of Study

Unique code to access learning platform

Human Resource Management Degree Program Year 1 (Level 4) & Year 2 (Level 5)

A Human Resource Management degree was designed to equip and prepare you into a career of human resource management sector, locally or international in any industry. The program syllabus covered various aspect current issue of human resource and up-to-date management skills.

This is a 240 credits course designed for students to progress to the final year of studies in an associated Undergraduate degree in Human Resource Management. Student can either choose to complete the final year at a UK university on campus or via distance learning.

Year 1 (Level 4) which is equivalent to the first year of a University Degree has 10 modules and associated multiple assessments. 

Year 2 (Level 5) which is equivalent to the second year of a University Degree has 8 modules and associated multiple assessments.


Entry requirement

Compulsory in one of the following:

  • University Foundation Program (Level 3)
  • UEC 5B (including Mathematics) or equivalent
  • Pre U / Foundation/ STPM / Matriculation / AUSMAT:
    Passed with a minimum of CGPA 2.0 or an average of 60% and above
  • A Level – Minimum EE,  including Mathematics
  • English language proficiency: TOEFL 530 / IELTS 5.5 / MUET Band 3.0 (Optional)

Fees inclusive of

  • All course materials, including online modules and written assignments.
  • Access to the learning management system
  • Tutor support for synchronous learning sessions.
  • Assignment assessment and feedback.

For more information, please whatsapp to 018-3884358 or email to

Students can choose to make payment by using one of the following methods:

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Bank Transfer
  • Interest free monthly instalment


List of written assignment

Each module of learning material required of an approximately average of 40 guided learning hours of study. On completion of the module, each student will be give an MCQ questionnaire. This is to let the student to review themselves on the understanding of the syllabus of the module. 

And a student needs to write 8 to 10 assignments with recommended word count per assignment is around 5,000-8,000 words. Upon the completion of the assignments and being given a pass mark then the student will be awarded with the credits.

Mode of study

Each student will be given a unique code to access to the learning materials online through a specific learning platform. Student can access to the learning platform at their own pace and in a flexible time and place.

University Degree Top Up – Final Year

Upon successful completion of the 240 credits, you can choose to top up your undergraduate degree through an accredited UK university in UK campus or via online /distance learning. The fees and cost of finishing the degree on campus will vary depending on which university a student choose. For university option, please approach us for more information.

Career Path

This course provides a vast detail on entrepreneurship and management skills and concepts where it ultimately nurture a graduates from Human Resource Management go into human resource, business consultancy and leader profession.

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